Adi Kailasa Prehistoric Roots
Origin of the Kalpavriksha Tree
The time immemorial banyan tree in Adikailasa is worshipped as the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Kalpataru. Here Paramashiva graces as the Banyan tree. He graces as Paramashiva in this form. Each leaf of the banyan tree is Paramashiva’s face. And each branch of the Kalpataru is each hand of Paramashiva. Paramashiva gracing in this form of Kalpataru Banyan tree fulfills any prayers asked.

Verses from the Srimad Kamika Agama
The original kalpavriksha tree is described in the first verse of the Kamika Āgama:
kailāsadakṣiṇe śṛṅge nānāścarya samanvite|
pravṛddha vaṭavṛkṣotthacchayācchanne’ti vistṛte||
vyāghracarma parīdhāne pīṭhe ratnopaśobhite|
devadānava gandharva siddha vidyādharādibhiḥ||
sevyamānaṁ mahādevaṁ śrīkaṇṭhaṁ viśvanāyakam|
On the southern summit of the Mount Kailasa associated with multifarious wonderments, there is a seat under the full-grown vata-tree (banyan tree), which seat is thickly covered by its shadow and which is exceedingly wide, with a tiger-skin placed around it. It is auspiciously beautified with gems studded over it. Lord Srikantha who is the controlling authority of this Universe, who is the Great God, is seated on it, being worshipped by the host of devas, dānavas, Gāndharvas, Siddhas, Vidyādharas and such other celestial groups. It has the lineage of a great enlightened Guru, Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara, embodiment of Lord Shiva Himself. SRI’MAT KAMIKA ĀGAMA – Purva Padha (verse 1.1)
Verses from Sri Guru Gita
purā kailāsa-śikhare siddhgandharva sevite |
tatra kalpalatāpuśpamandire-atyanta sundare || 8 ||
vyāgrājine samāsīnaṁ śukādimuṇivanditam |
bodhayantaṁ paraṁ tattvaṁ madhye munigaṇe kvaccit || 9 ||
Ages ago, on the sacred mountain peak of Kailāsa, the abode of Lord Śiva, which is frequented by the Siddhas and Gandharvas, in that most beautiful temple created by Kalpavṛkṣa, the wish-fulfilling tree adorned by its shrubs, flowers, fruits. Seated on a tiger-skin, surrounded and worshipped by Śuka and other sages, on one occasion, while Lord Śiva was expounding to the Rṣis—the Paraṁ Tattva, Supreme Truth; -Srimad Guru Gita, Chapter 1 Verses 8 and 9
Significance to Sri Ramachandra, who was one of the descendants of Surya Vamsa, and ruler of Surangi Samrajyam
Kamika Agama clearly describes ‘Southern side of the physical Kailaasa, under which the Banyan tree Paramashiva sits. Including Kapila all the Saptarishis were around. Near there is a hill with seven huge rocks representing Saptarishis. On those huge rocks those Sapatarishis were living and meditating.

Paramashiva revealed the Agama under this banyan tree to all those Rishis and Kapila Mahamuni. After Paramashiva taught the Agamas, the Rishis were living in Ramanagara, and practicing it. The Kamika Agama dhyana shloka describes the scene when Sri Ramachandra came to the south, He was living with Sita and Lakshmana during the exile in Ramanagara, this is where the Kakasura vada [killing of demon – Kakasura] happened. During that time, Sri Ramachandra used to do puja to the Swayambhu Linga under the banyan tree and this was his Ishta Linga. Sri Ramachandra installed one more Linga after killing Kakasura, Kakasura vada and do puja to remove the dosha. That is the Rameshwara Linga in the Ramanagar temple. The Rameshwara in Rameshwaram is the 2nd Rameshwara.

During this time, Sri Ramachandra was graced by Paramashiva under the banyan tree where Paramshiva revealed the Agamas and the Upanishads (two scriptures authored by Paramashiva). Then, after Sri Rama wins the war against Ravana, he brings Hanuman, Sita and Laxmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, and the whole battalion, to show all the palces he lived. That time, Sri Rama sits under the banyan tree in the exact place where Paramashiva revealed the Agamas and Upanishads and taught whatever he heard from Paramashiva to Hanuman and others. That is what is recorded in Muktikopanishad, as the 108 Upanishads.
The Banyan tree after being a home to Paramashiva Himself and radiating His energy, the land around the banyan tree began attracting high frequency beings. The Jeeva Samadhi of the enlightened energies is present right below a cave at the center of the banyan tree, from which the tree mystically branches up into this huge cosmic canopy. Jeeva Samadhi is the science where your body can be buried but you will be alive forever, even without your body you will be alive, forever. This is a power expressed by Enlightened Masters even after they decide to stop using their physical body, but continue to radiate their healing energies for enriching and blessing the world in a state of Samadhi, pure meditative state. It bears a mystical connection to Shambhala – the metaphysical space of enlightened Masters. The vibrations in this space are so distinct that even the casual visitor can feel its effects.

Kailasa Paramparagatha Adi Peetha Sarvajnapeetha , Karnataka, India
At the time of India gaining independence in 1947, the British before handing over the reins of power to India signed agreements with each of these ancient, indigenous, aboriginal, religious and independent Hindu Kingdoms giving them the choice to remain Independent, join the Indian Union or the Islamic state of Pakistan and most Kingdoms chose to remain Independent while some like Hyderabad wanted to join Pakistan.
After independence, in an illegal campaign of conquest, the self declared secular state of India began to threaten each of these Kingdoms with military action, assassinations and violent destruction and managed to annex the territories and wealth of these Kingdoms by imposing on their rulers fraudulent one sided agreements.

This war of aggression and immoral action on the part of the Indian Union by Sardar Patel and others was blatantly illegal as in many cases the Kings who were merely regents of the presiding deity. never had the right to give away the Kingdoms in the first place. And as per natural law, when the Kings abdicated their thrones, by default, the Kingdoms’ ownership fell back to the original ruler namely the spiritual head (currently The SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, as the incarnation of Paramasiva) or the presiding deity.
Kailaasa Paramparagatha Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Peetham is a Seat established by Paramaśiva, whose Primordial territory is Nithyananda Peetham Matha at Bidadi, Bengaluru. Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Peetham is a primordial energy field and divine space that has been worshipped and protected from time immemorial to bless humanity. It holds pure healing and blessing powers, as it was established and revived by Bhagavan Paramaśiva directly. Kailaasa Paramparagatha Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Peetham is the enlightenment ecosystem for the region of Karnataka (earlier Chola Dynasty).

The Kailaasa Paramparagatha Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Peetham had as its spiritual head, Sri Shantaveera MahaSwamiji of Kolada Matha and as its core administrative committee members, Vinayak Rao, grandson of the prestigious philanthropic Sajjan Rao family of the Mysuru Kingdom and heads of various mathas of Adi Peetha namely, Sri Shivakumara Swami of Siddhaganga Matha, His Holiness Sri Tiruchi Mahaswamigal of Sri Kailash Ashrama Mahasamsthana, Shri Balagangadharanatha Swamigalu of Adi Chunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Matha, His Holiness Sri Sri Shivapuri MahaSwamiji of Omkara ashrama Mahasamsthan, Sri Shantaveera Mahaswami of Kolada Matha, all of whom trained in Kailaasa Paramparagatha Adi Kailasa Peetham. Kailaasa Paramparagatha Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Peetham is the Raja Guru peetha (Guiding Seat of Enlightenment) for the regent kings and aristocracy of the region.