Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam
23 January 2003 |
Bhoomi Puja for Beginning Construction at the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Kalpavriksha
Shortly after the inauguration of Adi Kailasa, the work toward the construction of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva commenced. On 23 January 2003, The SPH conducted the Bhoomi Puja, the ritualistic offering for beginning the construction around the sacred banyan tree, where He would install the deities of Dakshinamurthy and the Swayambhu Nithyanandeshwara Linga.

2 April 2003 |
Prana Prathishta of the Dakshinamurthy Under the Banyan Tree
The first consecrated deity in the land of Adi Kailasa, energized by and worshipped by The SPH was Bhagavan Sri Darkshinamurthy. Sri Dakshinamurthy is the young and graceful form of Paramashiva, as Adi Guru, the primordial Guru, who is surrounded by aged sages

underneath the Kalpavriksha Tree. The 4 feet tall stone deity of Sri Dakshinamurthy, who is described as Mauna-Vyaakhyaa Prakattita Para-Brahma-Tattvam Yuvaanam, whose teachings on the Supreme Brahman are absorbed just through silence, was first installed and consecrated by The SPH on 2 April 2003
31 December 2004 |
Prana Prathishta of Sri Dakshinamurthy deity, carved personally by Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism
In 2004, The SPH personally hand-carved a 6 feet form of Dakshinamurthy from a single solid block of pure granite stone. This deity was installed on 31 December 2005. The previously installed 4-foot deity of Dakshinamurthy was later transported across seas to Nithyananda Peetham in San Jose, to be worshipped in the western hemisphere of the world. This Dakshinamurthy resides until today underneath Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Kalpavriksha, as continued construction is happening to build a beautiful temple surrounding the sacred banyan tree. A number of people have shared their heartfelt connection with the deity of Dakshinamurthy. In 2004, when The SPH was embarking on Vijayayatra across the world, in socio-spiritual world tours, a number of devotees were witness to the deity of Dakshinamurthy blinking His eyes and interacting playfully with those who deeply connected to their guru through Him.

20 April 2006 |
Bhoomi Puja to Begin the Construction for the Garbha Mandir
In 2006, The SPH auspiciously began the construction and consecration of the Garbha Mandir, the sanctum sanctorum, for Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva, Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti and the Swayambhu Linga. The temple work was entrusted to Sri M.S.Sivaprakasam, Srirangam Rajagopura Sthapati, who is from the

family that built the world’s tallest temple tower in the temple of Srirangam in South India. Sthapati is the name given to people who are specialised in the design and construction of Hindu temples. Sri M.S. Sivaprakasam hails from a family that has been in this profession for nine generations.
18 August 2006 |
Making the Deity of Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwara Parashakti in Kumbakhonam, Tamil Nadu
The SPH personally visits the workshop in Kumbhakonam for the making of the deities of Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti, who would be consecrated as the presiding deities of Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Peetham. Simultaneously, The SPH was planning the presiding deities for the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Hindu Temples which would be established in Los Angeles, USA; Seattle, Washington, USA and other cities in the United States of America.

20 November 2006 |
Rituals Conducted for the Purification and Construction
The SPH does the rituals for purifying and energizing the sanctum sanctorum spot of temple of Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakthi at Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru Aadheenam. This is the spot where the Sanctum Sanctorum for the golden temple is to be built in the future for generations to come.
11 December 2006 |
Historic Prana Prathishta of the Garbha Mandir
11 – 12 Dec 2006 marked a historic event in the history of Kailasa and the world. The SPH consecrated the garbha (literally means embryo) in the garbha griha – sanctum sanctorum of the upcoming temple of Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva . After several days of intense energizing, the garbha was consecrated amidst a small and fortunate group of Kailasavasis and devotees, between 11:15pm and 1:30am , running into the wee hours of the morning of the 12 th.
An enlightened Master is Existence in form, the ultimate human form fit to perform a garbha consecration. The garbha that was consecrated, comprised a Shiva Meru (a 3-dimensional structure representing the Cosmos) and a yantra (a 2-dimensional flat

representation of the Cosmos) both of which represent Paramashiva or masculine manifestation of the Cosmic energy or in other words the body given to the Master by His Father, pieces of clothing belonging to the Master that represent himself, his own biological body given to Him by his Mother, and energized mercury along with it. Of all metals, liquid mercury is said to have the property of retaining and radiating the Existential energy for many thousands of years, virtually unaffected by chemical reactions.
1 January 2007 |
Grand Inauguration of Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti Golden temple
With the blessings and presence of various spiritual leaders of different ancient mathas and other prominent leaders from various parts of India including: Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Maha Swamiji, Srimad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Sachidanda Pranava Swaroopa Sadguru Sri Sri Sri Sivapuri Maha Swamiji, Srimad Swami Ragaveshanandaji Maharaj of Sri Ramakrishna Mutt, Belgaum and Srimad Swami Veethabhayanandaji Maharaj of Sri Ramakrishna Mutt, Bangalore, Swamiji, Sri Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, India, Sri T.N. Chaturvedi, Honourable Governor of Karnataka, Sri B.S.Yediyurappa, Honourable Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka, Sri Katta Subramanya Naidu, Minister for Large and Medium Scale Industries, Karnataka

7 October 2014 |
Construction of the world’s largest golden temple for Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti
In 2014, under the direct auspices of living incarnation, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, construction began at the existing Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Temple at Adi Kailasa, for building the world’s largest Shiva temple, which is the first golden temple built for Bhagavan Paramashiva in the modern era. The temple is being constructed as per the Agama Shastras, the perfect scriptures directly mandated by Paramashiva. The large majestic temple embodying the Divinity will become the pilgrimage destination (dham) for billions on the planet fulfilling their divine faiths and earthly aspirations. Its sacred energy-field (ksetra) will bring and bless mankind to directly connect, commune and experience Divine through worship, devotion, meditation and ritual ceremonies that will proclaim the accession of the Vedic era.

“It is the first golden temple for Mahadeva, Shiva. Mahadeva had golden temples earlier. The Tanjore (Brihadishwara temple) was a golden temple. Unfortunately, during the invasions, the gold was stripped off. This will be the first golden temple for Mahadeva in the modern era.
The main parts of the temple will be gold coated – the garbha griha (inner sanctum of main deity), mukha mandap (pillared hall in front of sanctum), ardha mandap (connecting the previous 2 areas), maha mandap (tallest, largest hall), vasantha mandap (festival hall) and so on…”
– SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam